Thursday, September 5, 2024

Russian Forces Burn U.S.-made MLRS In Sumy; 'West-sent Mercenaries' Get ...

Working class CHRISTIANS and working class MUSLIMS in " OUR democracy " ( and the mainstream news media , of course, will not report this ) show no support for the crackpot war agenda of " Greater Israel " Ukraine, " Greater Israel USA " , and " Greater APARTHEID Israel in the Middle East. Neither Kamala Harris nor Donald Trump nor anybody in their Democratic or Republican parties can think outside the box of greedy capitalism , bloody American imperialism, and always belligerent Israeli Zionism. No admiration in " The Other America " for the war criminal ZIONIST Jew Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel , no admiration for the ZIONIST Jew warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky in Ukraine. Note that the Biden-Harris administration is packed with pro-Israel zealots ( they do not want to lose their jobs come Election 2024 ) . But in the mainstream news media, supposedly protecting " OUR democracy ", TRUTH is invariably considered hateful and anti-Semitic. The censors right here on YouTube are more inclined to suppress the Ideas & Opinions of thinking Americans than crude and vulgar hate speech. On my blog and Facebook page I have a collection of REMOVED posts and comments. Readers can judge for themselves just how much they " violate community standards ".

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