Saturday, September 21, 2024

Was There Once Life on Mars? | How the Universe Works | Science Channel

I do not think that it so very unscientific to think of the LIFE FORCE in biology . The LIFE FORCE probably abandoned Mars billions of years ago. But once the LIFE FORCE again took possession of one protoplasmic cell on the GOOD EARTH then LIFE - if not particular species - managed to survive here for more than three billion years. And way back in the Cambrian era LIFE was the original champion of strength through DIVERSITY . Our species might disappear or self-destruct. LIFE does not care. It will endure on this planet at least until the sun stops shining forever. Can THE FORCE behind the LIFE FORCE truly be with YOU ? Yes, and you too can sing my favorite Sunday School song : " He's got the whole world in HIS hands ! " Well , in a way . Science keeps looking for the ORIGINAL FORCE . Do YOU ?

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