Sunday, September 29, 2024

Mein Kampf: History's Most Evil Book

When glibly talking or writing in a sanctimonious way about the ABSOLUTE EVIL of the individual Adolph Hitler bourgeois scholars , journalists and politicians often completely shut out the SOCIAL stage for personal and collective EVIL. Most of them never come close to condemning capitalism, imperialism, toxic patriotism, and in our own time Israeli ZIONISM. Here you have the ROOT OF EVIL in modern times. A devil's advocate would point out that Hitler at the end of the First World War , with his beloved Germany defeated, humiliated, punished by the Versailles Treaty, he was just one of very many ANGRY YOUNG MEN in Germany . Many of them gravitated towards Stalin's Russia ( there were many Jewish communist revolutionaries in Germany ) . Others gravitated toward that old proud Prussian militarism. Anti-Semitism was rife in Germany late in the 19th century - the Century of Progress. A few years ago I did manage to plow through the rather tedious translation of Hitler's " Mein Kamp " . No competent psychiatrist would say that young Hitler was a clear case of psycho-pathology. Too many others shared his " vision " of restored glory to " Deutschland, Deutschland, uber alles ". " Mein Kampf does not drool HATE on every page. A question rarely asked : What made German Jews particular objects of fear and loathing ? In the post " Great War " world that despised both greedy capitalism and the bloody " communism " of Stalin's Soviet Union ? No mystery that in those times there was a vibrant SOCIALIST movement in the USA , in " OUR democracy " . Its hero was the eloquent Socialist Party presidential candidate Eugene V. Debs. Debs was very much opposed to " the war to make the world safe for democracy ". NOTE : there is no wisdom in censoring Hitler's " Mein Kampf " anymore than censoring Karl Marx's " Das Kapital ".

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