Saturday, September 14, 2024

Presidential Debate: Trump, Harris on the Russia-Ukraine war

I like what I read on the World Socialist Website just now : [ "A vast escalation of the war, with all its catastrophic consequences, is being implemented entirely behind the backs of the population. After his meeting with Starmer, Biden was directly asked by a reporter, “What do you say to Vladimir Putin’s threat of war?” With staggering arrogance, Biden barked, “Be quiet.” These words were directed to the press, but it was a threat to the entire population: Don’t question us. Asked the same question again, Biden replied, “I don’t think much about Vladimir Putin,” before White House staff loudly ushered the press out of the room. The US and UK are preparing to take a decision that threatens to lead to a full-scale war between nuclear-armed states. Even if it does not start with nuclear weapons, the consequences are enormous. " ] Who do you hand the nuclear codes ? A " crackpot realist " militarist who though quite " sane " can not and will not think outside the box of Pro-American militarism, pro-world capitalism, and pro-Israeli Zionism ? As a longtime independent democratic socialist I just say no to the insanity of war.

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