Wednesday, September 11, 2024

LIVE Monologue: Harris Gets Under Trump's Skin | Eating Cats And Dogs | ...

Long ago left wing American sociologist C. Wright Mills explained the role " celebrity " plays in corrupting public opinion in the interests of the " Power Elite ", the capitalist ruling class. The mainstream news media clearly favors WOKE WARRIOR Democrat Kamala Harris ( ALL candidates for them must pass the " Love APARTHEID Israel " test ) and they hardly respect the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization in covering right-wing blowhard Donald Trump ( also a passionate friend of APARTHEID Israel ) or in covering American public opinion not in agreement with their own political narrative and agenda . ANTI-WAR , ANTI-ZIONISM American public opinion is routinely blocked or censored in " OUR democracy " which Kamala Harris promises to protect against its arch-villain Donald Trump. No surprise if ALL of WOKE Hollywood rallies behind Kamala Harris. The movie " Election 2024 " could very well be a Harvey Weinstein production

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