Monday, September 16, 2024

Antisemitism: An Analysis | Philosophy Tube

Does any analysis of " anti-Semitism " take into consideration the crimes against humanity in Gaza, Palestine presently and many more committed by the Zionist APARTHEID Israel since its beginning in 1948 ? And does the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu think he is assuring " NEVER AGAIN " ? How many Jewish psychiatrists think outside the box of pro-capitalism, pro -American militarism, and pro-Israeli Zionism ? And is SOCIALISM and socialist internationalism somehow anti-Semitic ? Is not the very idea of a JEWISH state contrary even to bourgeois democracy ? Is not the whole world getting sick of the Middle East and its eternal conflicts ? Should working class -mostly CHRISTIAN -American soldiers risk their lives for the ZIONIST Jew warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ? Whatever anti-Semitism that still exists in the past 70 years has little to do with Dark Age ignorance and superstition. Most " educated " ZIONIST Jews see CHRISTIAN Zionists as proverbial useful idiots . They are closer in their world view to the right wing crank philosopher and belligerent ZIONIST Jew atheist Ayn Rand , author or the popular book " The Virtue of Selfishness " . Do politically literate ZIONIST Jews have any response to my post here besides " REMOVE" ? Reply

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