Saturday, September 28, 2024

Hezbollah confirms death of leader Hassan Nasrallah after Israeli strike...

@markparham 4 minutes ago i disagree in 2024 wars are going to be won or lost depending on who has the latest modern technology israel and america invest alot of money on the latest things they need for battle + lebanon does not have a strong economy i remember when people were angry that they could not get money out of their banks this isn't 2001 the old rules don't apply @markparham You ignore a little thing called the CLASS STRUGGLE . In ALL countries with advanced technology the exploited and oppressed working class can quickly STOP any war not in their interests. Both the American plutocracy and the ZIONIST Jew ruling class of APARTHEID Israel are just waiting to be overthrown by the fury of THE PEOPLE. Just consider the history of REVOLUTION in the 20th century ? Consider the Great French Revolution of 1789 ? The American Revolution of 1776 ? The Russian Revolution of 1917 ? The Cuban Revolution of 1959 ? Whether the outcome is happy or not REVOLUTION -often provoked by WAR - is a fact of history . THE CLASS STRUGGLE as brilliantly described by Karl Marx way back in 1848 is THE OLD RULE that very much still applies . The American ruling class in cahoots with Israeli Zionism will never sell nuclear World War III to the mostly CHRISTIAN working class.

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