Friday, September 13, 2024

BREAKING NEWS: Trump Absolutely Unloads On ABC Over Presidential Debate ...

As a longtime independent democratic socialist I am puzzled why Republican Donald Trump - very pro APARTHEID Israel, pro-Netanyahu- never spells out the social identity of the " FAKE NEWS mainstream news media . Ironically in " OUR democracy " this news media is dominated by very pro- APARTHEID Israel ( perhaps anti-Netanyahu ) belligerent Zionists. For whatever reasons ( like a long time ideological brawl within the American ruling capitalist class ) they hate or don't trust Donald Trump. But also, they daily censor anti-war, anti-ZIONISM American public opinion. The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden is , in fact , a greater threat for FASCISM here in America than Trump and his Republican and white working class CHRISTIAN " deplorables ". What is being censored in " OUR democracy " are Ideas & Opinions branded as " hate speech ". It is a decades long betrayal of the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization . Who among working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " supports Israeli genocide in Gaza , Palestine ? Who among us supports nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia over " Greater Israel " Ukraine ? What is historically unprecedented is the absence of a single ANTI-WAR voice for decades now in the " progressive " Democratic Party. This will be a BIG FACTOR in the 2024 presidential election.

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