Friday, September 20, 2024

The Last of the Mohicans - Promentory (Main Theme)

@mauricio1734 4 months ago [ "I'm 30 and I remember hearing this song and seeing the movie at a young age with my mom. I been through some difficult moments in my life where I felt that I just couldn't make it through. Family members passing away, divorce, depression, thoughts of suicide, failed relationships and broken dreams. I thought I was done for, but then I remembered this song and oh man, the POWER and PASSION that consumed me to keep fighting, to keep moving forward, to never give up. I'm still standing because of this song. " ] While viewing the scene at our niece Victoria's wedding at Harrington Farms, MA. in the Berkshire vicinity, my brother Steven said he was reminded of this theme song from " The Last of the Mohicans ".

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