Friday, September 20, 2024

The New York Times acknowledges my recent letter -to-the editor

Automated Reply Re: Fwd: Popular science writer and Jew Isaac Asimov was right about APARTHEID Israel years ago Inbox Letters, NYT 12:13 (23 minutes ago) to me Thank you for your letter to The New York Times. If your letter is selected for publication — in all editions (print and online) or only online, and possibly in The International New York Times as well — we will contact you within a week. We regret that because of the large number of submissions we are not able to respond to all of them, other than by this automated reply. (You will receive an auto-reply only once every four days.) Check the list below so you can re-route a message to another department if appropriate. Letters should ideally be 150 to 200 words and may be shortened to fit allotted space. They must be exclusive to The Times (no prior publication in other news outlets, except for They should generally refer to an article that has appeared within the last seven days.

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