Friday, September 20, 2024

Bernie Sanders, Mike Bloomberg, Joe Biden Spar Over Democratic Socialism...

I had been a critical supporter of” socialist” Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. He has un-demonized the WORD socialism. But I must say that any hard-core SOCIALIST has no business showing any respect for capitalist values, including sacrosanct property rights or intellectual property rights. Most socialists- not recognized celebrities- want to abolish FOR PROFIT medicine, FOR PROFIT nursing homes and hospitals, FOR PROFIT pharmacies; they want to nationalize the banks, the energy companies, all the natural resources of the nation, want to abolish the whole capitalist class – with the exception of well scrutinized small business owners. Militant socialists have always questioned the legitimacy of legitimate wealth. This follows from Marx’s labor theory of value. A real socialist revolution in America would almost overnight abolish the whole legal system (yes, even the Supreme Court) and every individual connected with it. There will be a lot of judges, lawyers, cops, prison wardens and guards collecting unemployment benefits for more than 6 months. Everybody connected with advertising will simply be obsolete. There will be no legalized gambling or state lotteries. Even the present-day funeral industry will quickly disappear. Being buried soon after death will simply be a human right. What would a Bernie Sanders presidency be like? It would be a lot like liberal Hubert Humphrey in the White House. Expect no surprises from this” socialist” Democrat.

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