Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Lion cub grew up with dog from childhood and now they are inseparable

I have the greatest respect for Charles Darwin's theory of evolution - long since on a scientific basis. But I suspect that in some way complex animal behavior - showing INTELLIGENCE and EMOTION way beyond survival instincts- is more than YES or NO DNA programming even after millions of years of species development . These " instincts " seem more sophisticated than any learned behavior possible for the mammalian brain. Even with ants and bees THE GROUP is invariably smarter than the hapless or clueless individual. Just a speculation : Could there be an UNSEEN MIND & HEART behind the visible , sensible ( even with complex instruments ) Universe ? Was Science too arrogant in expelling God from " Creation " ? I do not pretend to know . But I cannot laugh at the more honest creationists . Beware of numerous charlatans , of course !

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