Monday, September 16, 2024

Ryan Wesley Routh: What we know about Trump shooting suspect

A long time ago when I was a very young man in the " Tumultuous Sixties " I read a book that impressed me very much in explaining the the SICK society as a breeder of sick and violent individuals . The author was the socialist humanist German-American psychiatrist Erich Fromm . That book was titled " The Sane Society " . Back then it was better inspiration for the New Left than Chairman Mao's " Little Red Book ". For nearly 50 years the younger generations in " OUR Democracy " seem more inspired by right wing reactionary author Ayn Rand and her best seller " The Virtue of Selfishness " . No surprise that decaying capitalism breeds the " Culture of Narcissism " . What can be more narcissistic than thinking ( as do most political assassins like Marxist ( ? ) Lee Harvey Oswald ) that you can change the world by eliminating a mere individual ? The great Russian novelist Dostoyevsky understood the soul sick " noble assassin " in books like " Crime and Punishment " and " The Possessed ". The Nobel Prize winning French writer Albert Camus had a more sober view of political violence in " The Rebel ". Camus thought : " In fighting our enemies let us not come to resemble them " . I recall one radical left wing writer declaring that " ideas are all powerful ." But not if nobody is listening . He meant CORRECT ideas, of course.

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