Saturday, September 14, 2024

Action News anchor Brian Taff's full interview with VP Kamala Harris

From my longtime independent democratic socialist point of view , anybody who can listen to either WOKE WARRIOR Democrat , Kamala Harris , or MAGA Republican, Donald Trump, for more than a minute is a political lost soul - lost for any truly " progressive " political movement. Not one American politician holding national or state office, attached to the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM, can or will think outside the box of pro- American militarism, pro-world capitalism , and pro- Israeli Zionism. And it is historically unprecedented in the past 100 years that there is no PRO- WORLD PEACE , ANTI-WAR wing of the Democratic Party. Backed by the mainstream news media this party, the party of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, has promoted the HATE RUSSIA, LOVE APARTHEID ISRAEL New McCarthyism for years now. Can stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago arouse jackass war fever among working class and middle class Americans ? Afflicted by all sorts of social and economic misery they can still be " sold " nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia all over " Greater Israel " Ukraine led by the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky ? The other dear ally in any " crackpot realism " plans for nuclear World War III is Zionist APARTHEID Israel, led by the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu . How many working class CHRISTIAN youth in " OUR democracy " can actually be recruited for the insanity of another world war ? NOTE : Still US president Joe Biden said that if he were a Jew , of course, he would be a ZIONIST Jew. Democrat Senate leader Chuck Schumer said a while back that HE wants to be " guardian angel " of APARTHEID Israel. What WE THE PEOPLE think does not matter in the war plans of " Deep State " , in " OUR democracy " USA ! But don't forget to vote on Election Day 2024. But for what ?

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