Monday, September 23, 2024

You Tube censors strike again ! " WE REMOVER YOUR POST "

What happened Sep 23, 2024 We removed your post Ron Ruggieri Sep 23, 2024 "My faith was lost in YouTube a very long time ago. They are NOT neutral in their rules. Google, who as we all know owns YouTube, is very pro-censorship when it comes to discussions and subjects THEY deem as wrong and I'm not talking about insults, threats or trolling behavior. " ] " OUR democracy " is essentially CAPITALIST USA . Karl Marx said way back in 1848 that " the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ". So what is being censored on You Tube, Facebook, and the mainstream news media are Ideas & Opinions not flattering to the political agenda and ideological brainwashing of OUR plutocracy. Numerous posts of mine have been REMOVED by You Tube censors saying that I have " violated community guidelines " . It does seem that I do just that whenever I am too critical of American imperialism together forever with Israeli Zionism in crimes against humanity. Or when I am too sarcastic in criticizing the WOKE WARRIOR agenda of the Democratic Party . Do they , the censors , APPROVE Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestine ? Or are they just determined to censor IDEAS & OPINIONS of the American public in " OUR democracy " ? You shared this on your profile What happened Sep 23, 2024 We removed your post] Ron Ruggieri Sep 23, 2024 "My faith was lost in YouTube a very long time ago. They are NOT neutral in their rules. Google, who as we all know owns YouTube, is very pro-censorship when it comes to discussions and subjects THEY deem as wrong and I'm not talking about insults, threats or trolling behavior. " ] " OUR democracy " is essentially CAPITALIST USA . Karl Marx said way back in 1848 that " the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ". So what is being censored on You Tube, Facebook, and the mainstream news media are Ideas & Opinions not flattering to the political agenda and ideological brainwashing of OUR plutocracy. Numerous posts of mine have been REMOVED by You Tube censors saying that I have " violated community guidelines " . It does seem that I do just that whenever I am too critical of American imperialism together forever with Israeli Zionism in crimes against humanity. Or when I am too sarcastic in criticizing the WOKE WARRIOR agenda of the Democratic Party . Do they , the censors , APPROVE Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestine ? Or are they just determined to censor IDEAS & OPINIONS of the American public in " OUR democracy " ? You shared this on your profile

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