Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Norman Finkelstein on Israel Palestine

From WIKIPEDIA : [ " Finkelstein rose to prominence in 2000 after publishing The Holocaust Industry, a book in which he writes that the memory of the Holocaust is exploited as an ideological weapon to provide Israel a degree of immunity from criticism.[3] He is a critic of Israeli policy and its governing class. The Israeli government barred him from entry to the country for ten years in 2008.[4] Finkelstein has called Israel the "Jewish supremacist state", and views it as committing the crime of apartheid against the Palestinian people.[5] Through personal accounts in one of his books, he compares the plight of the Palestinians living under Israeli occupation with the horrors of the Nazis.[6] Finkelstein's most recent book on Palestine and Israel, published in 2018, is Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom. " ]

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