Saturday, September 28, 2024

Amusing scene from a future movie : " The Private Life of George Washington " ?

Based on just browsing pages 378-381 these " Recollections and Private Memoirs of Washington " ( the first US president ) are a juicy read : LUSTY SOLDIER STORY : " One evening Colonel Smith in his rambles came suddenly upon the homestead of the old body servant , whose daughter was milking at a short distance from the house. She as a slightly built girl, and in endeavoring to raise the pail, found it too much for her strength. Colonel Smith gallantly stepped forward , and offered his services, saying, " Do , miss, permit my strong arms to assist you ". Now , the veteran's daughter had often heard from her father the most awful tales of those sad fellows, the young, and particularly handsome British officers, and how their attentions to a maiden must inevitably result in her ruin " " Poor Smith, well bespattered by the contents of the milk pail, in vain endeavored to excuse himself to the enraged veteran , who declared that he would carry the affair up to his honor [ George Washington ] , aye, and to the madam , too [ Colonel Smith's wife ]. " At the mention of the latter personage the unfortunate colonel felt something like an ague-chill pass over his frame ". Finally , " The old body-servant , fully accoutred for his expedition , had cooled off a little during his march . He would " accept the colonel's assurance that there could be no harm where ' no harm was intended' , came to the right-about and retraced his steps to his home ". And the colonel " was careful to give the homestead of the old body-servant a good wide berth in all future rambles " . NOTE : This should be a scene in a Hollywood movie about the " Private Life of George Washington " Recollections and Private Memoirs of Washington (Classic Reprint ... Recollections and Private Memoirs of Washington (Classic Reprint ... Found on Google from

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