Monday, September 9, 2024

Kamala Harris Is A Threat To Our Democracy

American history shows that threats to democracy go way beyond individuals of either party seeking high office. I spent the better part of yesterday , Sunday , browsing at the famous Providence Athenaeum a book of essays ( 1877 ) by T. H. Huxley known as " Darwin's Bulldog ". In one lecture he eloquently explained why he thought America was a wonderful and promising then young country . But he warned : [ " You and your descendants have to ascertain whether this great mass will hold together under the forms of a republic, and the despotic reality of universal suffrage; whether state rights will hold out against centralisation, without separation, whether centralisation will get the better, without actual or disguised monarchy; whether shifting corruption is better than a permanent bureaucracy; and as population thickens in your great cities, and the pressure of what is felt, the gaunt spectre of pauperism will stalk among you, and communism and socialism will claim to be heard. " ] Huxley noted America's fabulous wealth and resources . But asked : " What are you going to do with it ? " As a longtime independent democratic socialist, in response to T.H. Huxley's friendly question in 1877, I can only ask this question : Why should not communism and socialism be heard ? Note that in the 2024 presidential campaign Donald Trump imagines that Kamala Harris is some sort of closet Marxist while a few years back Trump ( as would be dictator ? ) promised to ban socialism and socialists from his MAGA program . I suspect that Kamala Harris, out of deference to " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders, would abolish socialism and socialists with a little more " progressive " finesse .

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