Monday, September 9, 2024

Russian President Vladimir Putin says Ukraine incursion has failed | BBC...

Daily (talking about Senator J. William Fulbright's " The Arrogance of Power " circa 1965 ) American imperialism ( could it be the " Arrogance of Fading power " ? ) WARNS Russia, WARNS China , WARNS, Iran, WARNS North Korea, WARNS even Venezuela and Cuba , not to cross whatever red line loci for the week . But how many mentally and physically fit young people in " OUR democracy " can be recruited for military service by the stale Wilsonian blather of the mainstream news media , " Free World " Wilsonian blather, that was false more than a century ago ? How many mentally and physically fit young Americans are " inspired " by the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in " Greater APARTHEID Israel " , by the war monger embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine , and by Senator Chuck Schumer ( who a while back said he wants to be Israel's " guardian angel " ) here in " Greater Israel " USA ? Vote YES for nuclear World War III ? Then vote for either Democrat Kamala Harris or Republican Donald Trump " . Better still , just stay home ! Also for consideration : the dastardly leaders of the forever UNFREE World do not live up to the lofty moral standards of the New York Times editorial board , of the CIA , FBI, Pentagon War Crimes Machine ? Join THEIR 21st century " Great Crusade " ?

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