Saturday, September 7, 2024

Senator Whitehouse confident Democrats will unite behind Harris

I just read that arch-liberal famous legal scholar Alan Dershowitz is leaving the Democratic Party weirdly imagining that it has become loathsomely anti-Semitic. What constitutes the Left of the Democratic Party came close to nominating " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders in 2016. Bernie shocked the political establishment here in Rhode Island by winning that April presidential primary just after attracting a crowd of some 7000 at Roger Williams Park in Providence . I was there. Sheldon Whitehouse gets himself elected and re-elected here by pretending that he is the Senate scourge of the PRIVILEGED CLASS ( leaving himself out , of course ). I can commend Sheldon Whitehouse for raising public consciousness on coming environmental catastrophe. But as a long time independent democratic socialist I doubt if the recklessness of global FOR PROFIT industries can be checked by any capitalist oriented parliamentary bodies. The TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy " approaches MELTDOWN on Election Day 2024. Whitehouse is " confident Democrats will united behind Harris ". Even in Rhode Island there is little evidence that WE THE PEOPLE are forever pro-Democrat if never pro-Republican.

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