Saturday, August 3, 2024

Video shows driver run over boss in west Las Vegas neighborhood after be...

UNORGANIZED CLASS STRUGGLE in " OUR democracy " can only lead to universally condemned criminal behavior. There is a profound crisis of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy ". Working class Americans and lower middle class Americans ( ruined by inflation in the Biden-Harris years ) desperately need a third party, independent of the capitalist ruling class, a lot like the British Labor Party but less stuffy and compromised. A CLASS perspective also explains the rather obvious " Black Crime Wave " in " OUR democracy ". Yet WOKE WARRIOR Democrats talk as if the Civil Rights Movement was defeated, not triumphant, in the 1960s . What have Biden-Harris done for working class Black Americans ? Pandering to the petty-bourgeois social climbing Blacks does nothing for the Black masses. Likewise pandering to petty-bourgeois feminist organizations and petty-bourgeois LGBTQ " community " does nothing for working class women and does nothing for the WORKING CLASS " gay community " . It is rather silly to be both WOKE and BROKE !

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