Monday, August 26, 2024

The highest authority on MISINFORMATION is the New York Times editorial board

Retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman belongs to the cabal of belligerent ZIONIST Jews in "OUR democracy" , in APARTHEID Israel, and in "Greater Israel "Ukraine , hell bent on starting nuclear World War III with POST -Communist Russia and Islamic Iran. Of course, Vindman has an ally in the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " mostly controlled by WOKE WARRIOR DNC based, secular ZIONIST Jews. The party of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden has promoted the HATE RUSSIA , LOVE APARTHEID Israel New McCarthyism for years now. And they have blackballed and smeared both Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump as anti-Semites with a mass following of WHITE CHRISTIAN " deplorables ". As if TRUTH was anti-Semitic ! I observe all this as a longtime independent democratic socialist. The daily censorship of real public opinion is a mockery of the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. Working class Americans are not cheering " DEEP STATE " unelected bureaucrats to start another stupid war of American imperialism together forever with Israeli Zionism in crimes against humanity. No surprise if the censors spare the readers of comments here my pernicious misinformation ( which I always forward to my blog and Facebook page ) . The highest authority on MISINFORMATION is the New York Times editorial board.

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