Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Ukrainian troops move deeper into Russia

Only a person ignorant of history would think that NATO involvement in this war is all about stale Wilsonian blather respect for sacrosanct sovereign nation states. Consider the bloody history of British and French, Dutch and Belgium colonialism in Old Europe . Consider the bloody history of American imperialism in Latin America. The present American Secretary of State, Antony Blinken , is a disciple of the former American Secretary of State , the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Henry Kissinger. Apart from the Vietnam nightmare , Kissinger is remembered for involvement in keeping the South American country Chile " sovereign " in 1973. He was definitely involved in the assassination of the democratically elected president of Chile , Marxist Salvador Allende. American imperialism operates on a higher moral level than Vladimir Putin in Russia ? Today in 2024 " Greater Israel " USA , and " Greater Israel " Ukraine , and " Greater APARTHEID Israel in the Middle East are hell bent on starting nuclear World War III over Islamic Iran and POST-COMMUNIST Russia. And out of its ashes will arise the " crackpot realism " dream of a New World Order ? What WE THE PEOPLE , the common American working class, and mostly CHRISTIAN, people think does not matter.

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