Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Health Department shuts down boy's ice cream stand

We can only wish the Health Departments of the United States were as diligent in shutting down daily BIG BUSINESS threats to the public health and safety . We do hear more and more daily reports of this or that product or service getting WARNED or suspended . We do live in the Golden Age of False Advertising. The state guardians of the capitalist profit system cannot, with any integrity, even inspect our CATASTROPHE WAITING TO HAPPEN aging bridges. WE can hardly cope with hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, blizzards, and epidemics. But WE are ready for nuclear World War III with those evil empires overseas not blessed with the guiding principles of " OUR democracy " . I trust more that little boy's ice cream stand not to make me sick. More than I trust prepared foods at the local grocery stores.

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