Saturday, August 3, 2024

Paris 2024 Olympics: Woke Opening Ceremony Sparks Global Controversy

[ Mocking the Christian Tradition of Western Civilization or the Islamic Tradition in many other countries will never win over hearts and minds to Leftist political organizations. The biggest mistake of the old Soviet Union was not SOCIALISM . It was making the unchecked power of the STATE " officially atheist ". Not for nothing Black Muslim leader Malcolm X believed Islam is a religion of LOVE and PEACE as once was uncorrupted Christianity. The " naive " ( ??? ) masses in Catholic countries will always be more impressed with " The Miracle of Fatima " than with : " what hydrogen atoms can do after 13 billion years of cosmic evolution " . ( Carl Sagan on " COSMOS " ). For more than a century otherwise excellent Marxist " vanguard parties " have been blind to this truth. NOTE : I recall a comment on the WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE giddy over the burning down of the iconic Notre Dame Cathedral. It went like this : " Burn baby, burn ! ". If these " godless " socialists get more than a 100,000 votes in national elections , it is like a LEFT earthquake .] Paris 2024 Olympics: Woke Opening Ceremony Sparks Global Controversy Paris 2024 Olympics: Woke Opening Ceremony Sparks Global Controversy

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