Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Jarren Duran apologizes, reacts to his 2-game suspension from Red Sox

Using rude, crude , uncivil language in public should simply be self-punishing . Negative public opinion of a athlete can really hurt his or her career.. However, I do not see how any real " liberal " should approve PUNISHMENT over mere words. The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has undermined the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization for decades now. And this party , now dominated by secular ZIONIST Jews, has no problem mocking the icons of world Christianity . SOCIALISTS supported the rights of homosexuals more than a century ago. But this support for gay rights was given in a broader context of opposition to the everyday exploitation and oppression of the working class by the capitalist ruling class. Likewise SOCIALISTS way back then supported the women's liberation movement in the same CLASS STRUGGLE context. ANY society based on the exploitation and oppression of the majority by a minority will never eliminate pernicious " HATE ".

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