Friday, August 30, 2024

‘Our Place Is Uninhabitable’: Pokrovsk Is Evacuated Amid Russian Advance...

[ " Consider these words from " an internationally renowned Israeli historian, Illan Pappe' ( from the World Socialist Website ) : This was at a time when very important documents were declassified in many parts of the world, including many in Israel thirty years after its founding. And what I saw there challenged everything I knew, or I thought I knew, about 1948 and beyond. And the fact that I shared this journey into the past with an Arab supervisor and then with a lot of Palestinian friends who otherwise I would not have met in Israel itself, began the most serious part of the journey. It’s not a moment of Epiphany, where you wake up and suddenly you are on the other side of the Rubicon. It takes time. But there is a moment where you feel that you know enough and you understand enough and you have heard enough to challenge fundamentally the narrative of your own society, of your own state. You understand the cowardice or conformist nature of your academic colleagues, of a community to which you once belonged. And it’s at one point that you understand you have a choice. " ]

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