Monday, August 26, 2024

Video Now: RFK Jr suspends his presidential campaign, endorses Trump

The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party -now packed with war mongers - has made a mockery of the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization for decades now. As RFK Jr. points out , the Democrats ceased to be the party of FDR and JFK years ago. But contrary to what the Republican campaign says, it is definitely NOT a party of firebrand Marxists or even serious liberals. In 2024 it represents a boiling over ideological feud within the American capitalist ruling class . There is a profound crisis of THEIR Two Party System. Even a phony Marxist party would not be as alienated from the American working class -and from humble CHRISTIANS - as the present Democratic Party of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden . I speak as an independent democratic socialist who gave only " critical support " to Bernie Sanders in 2016 and to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in 2024. What working class and lower middle class Americans really need in " OUR democracy " is not INDEPENDENT RFK Jr. ( though that would have helped ) but an INDEPENDENT of the ruling class American Labor Party - a lot like the British Labor Party but less stuffy and compromised.

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