Monday, August 19, 2024

Some works by Iranian scholar now professor of " Eco-socialism "

Our Place in the World: A Journal of Ecosocialism Mahmoud Sayrafizadeh The Father of Iranian Trotskyism Kamran Nayeri This long essay is a critical appraisal of the political life of Mahmoud Sayrafizadeh spanning almost six decades who was the key founder of the Iranian Trotskyist movement in the United States in the early 1970s. The essay weaves together theoretical, political, and personal issues that help to understand Sayrafizadeh's political trajectory as well as political parties he helped lead. Download Free PDF View PDF Madness in the Iranian Socialist Movement Kamran Nayeri This essay is part of a longer work about my experiences in the Iranian socialist movement and the Iranian 1979 revolution. It is occasioned by the suicide of an early socialist friend in Tehran recently who suffered from schizophrenia. Thus, my telling of a story of four persons who I knew in or around the movement who bore the burden of mental health as well as noting others. Much of the essay is given to the political context of these episodes hence another use of the term "madness." Iranian socialist movement was ravaged by factional and violent struggles while the participants hoped to end the Shah's dictatorial regime. The essay offers some sense of this reality hence of a contributing factor to the defeat of the Iranian socialist movement and the Iranian 1979 revolution and its emancipatory promise. Download Free PDF View PDF The "Bloomington Three" Case and Trotskyism in the 1960s Alan Wald This essay presents new research on the case of the "Bloomington Three" in Indiana during the early 1960s. Download Free PDF View PDF History and Decline of Socialist Workers Party (United States) Alan Wald This essay provides an overview of the SWP and YSA in the mid-20th century, and discusses reasons for its decline after the 1970s. Download Free PDF View PDF Iranian Studies Reading Iran: American Academics and the Last Shah 2018 •Matthew Shannon Despite the nature of American influence in postwar Iran, and despite the fact that Iranian studies has grown into a flourishing field in the United States, scholars have not explored the field's origins during the Cold War era. This article begins with the life of T. Cuyler Young to trace the critical genealogy within the field as it developed, in cooperation between American and Iranian scholars, during the reign of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. It proceeds to analyze two cohorts of American scholars whose political inclinations ranged from liberal reformism to revolutionary Marxism. As revolutionary momentum swelled in Iran in the late 1970s, critical scholars broke through superpower dogmas and envisioned a post-shah Iran. However, Cold War teleologies prevented them from fully grasping Iranian realities, particularly Khomeini's vision for Iran. This article argues that the modern field of Iranian studies in the United States was shaped by multiple generations of critical voices, all of which were informed by historically situated encounters with Iran and expressed through a range of methodological and theoretical perspectives. Download Free PDF View PDF Journal of Middle East Women's Studies From Guerrilla Girls to Zainabs: Reassessing the "Militant Woman" in the Iranian Revolution 2021 •Arielle Gordon Scholars have long accounted for representations of women in the Iranian Revolution by categorically classifying them as "devout mothers" or "heroic sisters," embodied respectively in the Shiʾi archetypes of Fatima and Zainab. However, a closer look at images of militant women finds them residing within the traditions of their time, as part and parcel of an era of liberation movements in which the idiom of the female fighter featured prominently. This article takes a transnational look at tropes of women's militancy and traces how they filtered into Iranian revolutionary culture. Finally, it contends that only with the consolidation of Khomeini's power and the start of the Iran-Iraq War is this figure renamed Zainab and sustained as a central icon of the Islamic Republic. Download Free PDF View PDF Revolution and Reform in Russia and Iran: Modernisation and Politics in Revolutionary States 2013 •Ghoncheh Tazmini Download Free PDF View PDF Raising the Tone (Harmonically) of Ethnographies of Iran and its Diasporas Michael M J Fischer A survey of some 200 dissertations on Iran as a baseline for first readings of new dissertations in the hope that that they can serve as entrees to further discussions of both the topics and the tools of ethnographic discovery and presentation. Download Free PDF View PDF

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