Friday, August 30, 2024

Judge temporarily blocked landmark effort by Biden administration to off...

How do you explain the American capitalist ruling class showing a false benevolent face toward the wretched of the earth , this new wave of 21st century " illegal migration " and their usual contempt for working class citizens in " OUR democracy " ? To be sure , neither Biden-Harris Democrats nor Donald Trump Republicans reject the daily exploitation and oppression NORMAL for American capitalism. ( Nor do they reject American militarism and futures wars ) . The only explanation for seeming " benevolence " toward these " illegals " is the DIVIDE & CONQUER tactic against the American working class. More than a century ago socialist American writer Upton Sinclair in his novel " The Jungle ' not only exposed the rotten meat industry scandal but also the systemic abuse of even legal immigrants to " OUR democracy ". As Leon Trotsky said about the plutocrats here : " No devil ever cut off his own claws ! " So confused American workers can blame desperate migrants for their misery - not THE SYSTEM . And imagine right wing blowhard Donald Trump as their hero and savior !

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