Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Video Now: New Video of Pelosi on January 6th, 'There is a domestic enem...

The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has no credibility among that segment of the population with critical thinking skills. Its claim to be defending " OUR democracy " against " fascist " Donald Trump and his following of misguided white working class CHRISTIANS is highly ludicrous. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. did make a good point in observing just how hostile the Biden-Harris administration has been toward the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. And how shamelessly PRO-WAR it has become. As a longtime independent democratic socialist I gave " critical support " to RFK Jr . in 2024 as I gave " critical support " to " socialist " Bernie Sanders in 2016. Recall that Bernie won the April 2016 presidential primary here in Rhode Island. Bernie ended up abjectly endorsing Hillary Clinton though he got no respect from her arrogant political circle. There is a profound crisis of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in capitalist USA. Neither party , neither Democrat Kamala Harris nor Republican Donald Trump , will ever think outside the box of pro-capitalism, pro-militarism , pro- APARTHEID Israel Zionism. Despite having just weirdly endorsed Donald Trump, RFK Jr. is himself a " Profile in Courage daily smeared and blackballed by the main stream news media , and Bernie Sanders more a Don Quixote " socialist ' in the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. As I see it. WE THE PEOPLE need a very independent third party , an American Labor Party - a lot like the British Labor Party but less stuffy and compromised. No serious issues will get resolved in " OUR democracy ' by Presidential Election 2024.

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