Saturday, August 10, 2024

Kamala Harris scolds anti-Israel hecklers in MI: ‘If you want Donald Tru...

Does Trump's perceived " White supremist " , " strong man " , " fascist " image on the so called " liberal " Democrat Left endear him to the more belligerent Zionist Jews in " APARTHEID " Israel ? Here in the United States ? How do we democratic socialists see this ? A few weeks ago a poll reported that Trump was more popular than Biden in Israel . And now Kamala Harris ? American Jews are mostly entrenched in the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party and historically alien to the Republican Party. But inside the Democratic Party do they think that WOKE nonsense is the antidote to pernicious CLASS consciousness ? To be sure, the pillars of WOKE ideology in " OUR democracy " are secular, ZIONIST Jews. And how many do the mainstream news media employ to daily sniff out " anti-Semitism " which they invariably confuse with anti-Zionism ? The " liberal Democrat " Left once at least gave lip service to the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. And once it would deplore mockery of the Christian Tradition in " OUR democracy ". That "Left " , forever attached to the Democratic Party , is Gone With The Wind !

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