Saturday, August 24, 2024

Fwd: Why mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " accuses both Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of anti-Semitism

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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2024 at 11:48
Subject: Why mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " accuses both Donald and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of anti-Semitism
To: <>

[ "Kennedy disclosed that he had met with Trump to discuss three key issues: war, free speech, and chronic diseases in children. He said he tried to meet with the Democratic presidential nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, but she refused. Although Kennedy said he still disagrees with Trump on some issues, he said the two are aligned in many important areas. " CATHOLICNEWSAGENCY.COM ]
[The Warped Electoral Logic Behind Trump's Antisemitism
Politico › magazine › 2022/12/07 › el...
Dec 7, 2022 — For most Americans, including Republicans, the resurgence of hatred against Jewish people is the return of an ancient evil. But Donald Trump ... ]
[The Most Shocking Aspect of RFK Jr.'s Anti-Semitism
The Atlantic › ideas › archive › 2023/07
Jul 16, 2023 — The Most Shocking Aspect of RFK Jr.'s Anti-Semitism. What's surprising isn't that Kennedy voiced an anti-Jewish conspiracy, but that it took ... ]

The mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " - in TRUTH controlled by militant secular ZIONIST Jews- has routinely smeared both Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with accusations of anti-Semitism. At the same time it smears the crowds of good people protesting Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestine as HAMAS supporting domestic terrorists.
The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party -also packed with militant ZIONIST Jews- has also promoted the HATE RUSSIA, LOVE APARTHEID Israel New McCarthyism for years now. And with that they have openly scorned the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization - a major concern of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - himself a blackballed, muzzled " Profile in Courage ".
There does seem to be a " Greater Israel " USA conspiring with " Greater Israel " Ukraine and " Greater APARTHEID Israel in the Middle East to start nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia and Islamic Iran.
Will 200 MILLION working class and lower middle class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " vote YES for another endless, stupid war mostly in the crackpot interests of " Greater Israel " ?
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )

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