Friday, August 23, 2024

How much money qualifies you as RICH in 2024 USA ?

#FoxBusiness My friend Dave N alerted me to this truth several years ago. When his mother died he inherited what was left of the family fortune. When Dave was feeling very insecure he approached a stock broker : " What can you do with $800, 000 ? " The guy laughed sarcastically : " Come back when you have 2 MILLION to invest ! " . Dave's fears of rapidly going broke were well founded . He was soon living in his Grand Prix car ! . He called me to contact his VERY RICH aunt on the East Side of Providence. Her husband West always hung up on Dave. But I soon found out that his Aunt Gracie Alpert ( connected to Brown University had left most of her money to Brown medical school ( for brain research ) . A family lawyer tried to contact Dave but he could not be found ( of course, then living in his car ! ) . I checked all this out at Providence City Hall " RECORDS " . Dave is now living in public housing in Mass. He blames himself for losing all his money : " I let women control me ", he moaned . To be sure , there is more to his story. Which reads likes a Hollywood " Sex, Lies, and Money " script. To add to the ABSURD story a few weeks ago Dave lost his wallet while visiting a urologist in Johnston , Rhode Island. I loaned him $120 dollars . He paid me back a day later after a Jewish charity helped him out. What net worth does one need to be rich in 2024? Here's what Americans think What net worth does one need to be rich in 2024? Here's what Americans think

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