Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Diabolical Persecution Of The Jewish People Throughout History

In MODERN TIMES if the Jewish people would renounce CAPITALISM, and Israeli ZIONISM together forever with American imperialism in crimes against humanity, if they collectively will rediscover SOCIALISM and SOCIALIST INTERNATIONALISM and apply the historic principles to APARTHEID Israel , then they will see how perceived anti-Semitism quickly disappears from the world. In an earlier post I asked one ZIONIST Jew if SOCIALISM was inherently anti-Semitic and I could not get an answer. Genocide in GAZA, Palestine is not a " smart Jew " way to assure " NEVER AGAIN ! " . To complicate all this the pillars of WOKE ideology nonsense in the Democratic Party are invariably secular ZIONIST Jews . And WOKE ideology invariably infuriates working class CHRISTIANS and MUSLIMS in " OUR democracy ". Can there possibly be a secular ZIONIST Jew " science " that contradicts even Darwinian biology ?

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