Thursday, August 22, 2024

DNC: President Biden gives emotional farewell speech | BBC News

The TWO PARTY SYSTEM politicians of " OUR democracy, these case- hardened Democrats and Republicans, all belong heart and soul to the capitalist plutocracy. Even in their younger years they were incapable of thinking outside the box of capitalism , American imperialism , and Israeli Zionism. If in their college years they were exposed academically to radical SOCIALIST ideas, the ideas of 19 and 20th century Marxist, Leninist, Trotskyists, Maoists , it was like the proverbial water off the duck's back. With their ignorant, unscientific , IRRATIONAL views of human society it is a wonder if they ever absorbed the spirit of scientific investigation. No surprise that in the White House , Ronald and Nancy Reagan consulted astrologers ! The hostility to SOCIALIST ideas , this stock- in- trade aversion to them has a simple explanation given by the arch-ideological foe of capitalism, Karl Marx: " The ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ". Every honest newspaper editor in " OUR democracy " understands this. His or her salary depends on it !

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