Friday, August 23, 2024

BREAKING NEWS: Trump Asked Point Blank If RFK Jr. Will Join Him At Rally...

I am a long time independent democratic socialist but not suffering from " Trump derangement syndrome ". As a registered Democrat in Cranston , Rhode Island I signed papers just weeks ago for RFK Jr. to get on the ballot here in Rhode Island. Not being attached to ANY leftwing organization I have no problem having a " Democrat " political address in Rhode Island. I cannot applaud but I do understand INDEPENDENT Robert F. Kennedy Jr. if he should today announce his support for conservative Republican Donald Trump . The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party now, slobbering over daffy Kamala Harris, seems a greater threat to " OUR democracy " ( STALINISM without the socialism ) than Donald Trump and his many alienated working class CHRISTIAN supporters. For years now the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has promoted the HATE RUSSIA, LOVE APARTHEID Israel, New McCarthyism ( do not be fooled by pseudo-Left rhetoric : " My heart bleeds for the people of Gaza, Palestine ! " . Really now, WOKE WARRIOR Democrat ? ) . For me the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy " is in a state of meltdown. I do not expect Donald Trump can " Make America Great Again ". The sun is setting on American imperialism and Israeli Zionism together forever in crimes against humanity. I think politically motivated violence in the post-election future can be avoided only if an INDEPENDENT third party can be quickly organized: an American Labor Party -like the British Labor Party but less stuffy and compromised. HOPE springs eternal . American democratic socialist writer Irving Howe wrote a book titled " A Margin of Hope " . That's about it for " OUR democracy " !

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