Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Israel Prepares for Attacks on Multiple Fronts | CBN NewsWatch - August ...

The most belligerent country in the Middle East - and now for its genocide in Gaza , Palestine , the most hated country on the planet, Zionist APARTHEID Israel , fears the revenge of the oppressed, the revenge of the long oppressed , dispossessed Palestinians ( with no friends in the mainstream news media of " OUR democracy " ). But take courage " CHOSEN ONES " for Israeli Zionism is together forever with American imperialism. The Triple Alliance of 2024 , " Greater Israel USA ", " Greater Israel " Ukraine , and always " Greater APARTHEID Israel " will vanquish all foes and with Old Testament wrath. And no matter what 100 MILLION working class CHRISTIANS think in " OUR democracy ". Take a poll you New York Times sages: " How many of WE THE PEOPLE approve nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia with dear allies like the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel and the war monger embezzler V. Zelensky in Ukraine , and the bloody Saudi Arabian monarchy ? That stale Wilsonian blather ( that inflamed the " Great War " to " make the world safe for democracy " ) will once again arouse the fighting spirit in the so very FREE WORLD of righteous NATO nations . Much wisdom in that " Tumultuous Sixties " THOUGHT CRIME : " What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? " @gagacoco5577 12 minutes ago God bless Israel. Those who bless Israel will be blessed those who curse Israel will be cursed.Genesis 12 3 Most educated ZIONIST Jews today are followers of that right wing philosopher, atheist Zionist Jew , Ayn Rand , author of " The Virtue of Selfishness " ( celebrating the virtues of capitalism and imperialism) . Only the WRATH of the Old Testament is enshrined in their souls .

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