Saturday, August 10, 2024

Ukraine launches 'massive' drone strike inside Russia

FROM the World Socialist Website : "Washington Post columnist [Max Boot] reiterated these calls for US escalation in an op-ed: [ "While the Biden administration has not complained about the use of US-made vehicles in this offensive, it apparently has not yet granted Ukraine permission to use American-made ATACMS missiles to hit Russian airfields and other targets deep inside Russia. Given how Ukraine keeps erasing supposed Russian “red lines” with impunity, this is a risk President Joe Biden should be willing to run. " ] NOTE from WIKI : Personal life [ "Boot was born in Moscow.[6] His parents and grandmother, all Russian-Jews, emigrated from the Soviet Union in 1976 to Los Angeles, where he was raised and eventually gained naturalized U.S. citizenship. " ] Could it be that ZIONIST Jews in the United States, Israel, and Ukraine are no more connected to WORKING CLASS PEOPLE than South African Whites in the 1980s ? How many Jews are NOT self-identified ZIONISTS ? How much DISSENT is there among them ?

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