Friday, August 16, 2024

10 Jewish Inventions That Changed the World | Unpacked

My favorite Jews are all communists ( like Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky ) , socialists ( like Albert Einstein, Erich Fromm , Howard Zinn, and Irving Howe ) , or very liberal liberals ( like Isaac Asimov and Carl Sagan ) . A THOUGHT QUESTION : Is SOCIALISM anti-Semitic, as some ZIONIST Jews think ? Just a decade ago nearly every Republican candidate for US president proclaimed himself a forever disciple of the right wing ZIONIST Jew philosopher Ayn Rand , author of " The Virtue of Selfishness ". One less than life saving invention by a Jewish scientist was poison gas first used in the GREAT WAR that began in 1914. This poison gas was the negative side of the famous " Haber Process in Chemistry ' . Although born a Jew , Fritz Haber captured the spirit back then of bellicose " Greater Germany " Prussia. This poison gas was used at Auschwitz during World War II. Today in 2024 the Jews attached to Zionist APARTHEID Israel did not invent GENOCIDE , to be sure . But they are perfecting it in the spirit of Hitler's Third Reich in Gaza, Palestine. Jews are right to take pride in the Jewish race just as Hitler took pride in the glory of the Aryan race. No reason why we can't all get along !

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