Saturday, August 31, 2024

Providence comes together to pray for girl wounded in shooting

Pious prayers for a community in stress over senseless gun violence might be a therapeutic safety valve but what is necessary is real understanding of the problem. A democratic socialist society that controlled all major means of production ,which would include , of course, all FOR PROFIT , for the FREE MARKET , gun and ammunition manufacturers , could check most irrational gun violence practically overnight. It makes more senses to scream for " The Sane Society " than for more futile and fatuous gun control laws. Whole industries will be controlled for the GENERAL WELFARE in " The Sane Society " ( as once visioned by socialist humanist psychiatrist Erich Fromm ) . Don't expect any phony " socialist " in the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party to think along these lines ( outside the box of capitalism, militarism, and Israeli Zionism ) .

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