Thursday, May 16, 2019

What a dumb political circus - the line up of Democrat candidates for president

What a dumb political circus - the line up of Democrat Party candidates for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Is it not a weakness for any" REPUBLIC " to confer too much power on THE PRESIDENT ?

And ALL the Democrat candidates present themselves as possessing remarkable civic virtues and impeccable CHARACTER which puts wicked Donald Trump to shame.

For me -a democratic socialist - it was bad enough that Trump is the " Plutocrat-in-Chief " of the United States. But even poor Hillary Clinton confessed ( she said to assembled plutocrats  LISTEN : there was a PUBLIC Hillary and PRIVATE Hillary . Well The PRIVATE Hillary would attend to THEIR agenda ).

But the mainstream American news media was hell bent on SMEARING President Trump the moment IN PANIC it realized that he had been LEGITIMATELY elected president of the United States.

I thought it was highly dishonest to smear Trump as a RACIST, SEXIST , HOMOPHOBE , ISLAMOPHOBE , and yes even ANTI-SEMITE ( when he was beloved in Israel ) .

In general I don't equate " plutocrat " with moral monster . I just think that collectively the ruling class cannot act responsibly or morally in the interest of the COMMON PEOPLE , in the interest of CIVILIZATION.

As Ralph Nader preached year after year( and various socialist parties ) this American plutocracy , this Corporate America, effectively controls both the Democrat and Republican

             I don't recommend voting for any sectarian socialist parties that make it on the ballot . ALL the ones I know about have degenerated into weird personality cults led by some permanent GREAT LEADER who can only represent a future " Marxist " ( ? ) tyranny with the loyal members resembling the daffy " Clears " in the daffy Church of Scientology.

         In general, the so called LEFT has an alarming contempt for the FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.

              I am not sure of THE SOLUTION outside eternally voting for lesser evils. I am beginning to think SOCIALISM should transform itself into a quasi -religious movement that does not see the conquest of STATE power as a viable goal.

               Early Christianity - a purely religious revolution - ended up conquering state power in Rome anyway - but the Sword of Constantine was a moral disaster for Christianity and for the simple teaching of Jesus.

               People greedy for state power invariably end up resembling their enemies. For example, the privileged " settler " ( as in South Africa ) Jews now in Zionist Apartheid Israel.

             I urge working class and middle class voters just TO THINK . " Free yourself from cant "
  That is at least a promising New Beginning.

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