Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
From a pumpkin seed you get a pumpkin, from a human seed you get a PERSON !
There was a similar abortion controversy just yesterday in next door Rhode Island:
[ PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) — The Senate Judiciary Committee voted Tuesday to reject a high-profile bill that would codify the right to an abortion in state law, dealing a significant setback to activists just months after they managed to get the measure through the House.
The Senate panel voted 5-4 against the Reproductive Health Care Act, sponsored by Sen. Gayle Goldin, D-Providence. The move was widely expected after the panel's most likely swing vote, Democratic Sen. Stephen Archambault, announced late Monday he could not support the bill as written. He said Goldin had rejected his proposal for alternative language that would be more limited.]
The designated villain here Democrat Sen. Stephen Archambault said in a radio interview this morning ( with Gene Vallicenti , 630 WPRO ) that he was pro-choice , not a Roe vs. Wade opponent. But here - and I support him- he voted his conscience as the proposed bill " protecting " Roe vs. Wade in fact seemed to extend it to include outright infanticide.
An ironic observation : women fanatical about abortion rights and passionate about " CONTROL over MY body " are least likely to lose control and be shocked with an unwanted pregnancy. I know libertine men who are very solicitous about abortion rights. I wonder why .
The virtue of SELF-CONTROL is not just religious conservative humbug.
I can agree with another 630 WPRO talk radio host , Matt Allen , who said that becoming a father or a mother can modify your view of the human seedling. From a pumpkin seed, of course, you get a pumpkin. From a HUMAN seed you get a PERSON .
I chuckled when Matt Allen - a moderate conservative - said he was beginning to think that the PRO-LIFE crowd was less daffy than the PRO-CHOICE crowd.
I agree with the position of the Catholic Church on abortion . But I don't think the church is wise to seek a new Constantine to fight its moral battles or to conquer state power. Under capitalism the new born or the unborn infant has a right to a h.. of a life.
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