Wednesday, May 1, 2019

We need a revival of CLASSIC Liberalism - just to EXPLAIN socialism

True we cannot let fascists prevail . But apart from the neo-liberals in the Democratic Party , the sectarian socialist Left , the so called Trotskyist Left are showing an amazing propensity for TOTALITARIAN politics, for a " fascist " style contempt for the FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.
 For example , if you disagree on ANY issue with the Socialist Equality Party, which oversees the World Socialist Web Site, you are quickly smeared as a FASCIST .

             Real fascism can only be combated  by a very broad coalition of well meaning working class and middle class and upper class individuals.

     Also I note that both neo-liberals and the sectarian " socialist " fanatics are implacably hostile to professed Christians, particularly Catholics , and to Christianity in general. How can this deluded VANGUARD ever connect with the vast mass of ordinary people ?

               It is dangerous to think you have a patent on SOCIALISM , that you have the special blessing of History ( even if you are a militant atheist " dialectical materialist ".

      If anything needs revival in this decaying capitalist social order - so well represented by President Donald Trump- it is the classic LIBERAL tradition. Both the neo-Democrats and the neo-con Republicans have made LIBERALISM a dirty word.

              Sorry but the images of Marx , Lenin, Trotsky- for all their revolutionary virtues- reflect the antithesis of  what the world needs in the 21st century.

        I never met ANY working class people - innocent of socialist propaganda - who were languishing with a longing for the DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT .

              In " Common Sense " the American revolutionary Thomas Paine expresses ideas of " liberation " as passionately as any passages of the rightly famous " Communist Manifesto ". For example , he had utter contempt for the pretenses of ROYALTY.

 Christopher Hedges on false anti-Semitism

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