Wednesday, May 29, 2019

What will invigorate the world socialist movement ?

Rick, the IDEA of SOCIALISM is very much in the air and on the air . That's great news for ANY socialist . But as an old timer - always INDEPENDENT of Group Think - I would not point the youth in the direction of fanatical sectarian , especially TROTSKYIST personality cult parties. They are POISON ! And there are numerous witnesses here. All traitors to the working class, even when they work at modest paying jobs, NEVER COLLUDE WITH THE CLASS ENEMY ) or collect regular social security in old age ( like yours truly ) ?
It is rather ludicrous , I think , after a century of self-inflicted failure to build a mass movement, to point to TRUE SOCIALISM ( SCIENTIFIC ! ) to TRUE Trotskyism .
Even under really TRUE Socialism the majority of the humanity would still prefer to breathe the fresh air of FREE THINKING and FREE SPEECH and be spared an OFFICIALLY ATHEIST state, the biggest mistake of the old Soviet Union.
A clear sign of danger on the Left is a growing contempt for the FREE THINKING ,FREE SPEECH tradition of Western Civilization.
Again and again I encounter " socialists " who prefer to smear and ridicule rather than argue in a civil manner any point of contention even among comrades.
Yes , I do think the socialist movement would be energized by transforming itself into a quasi-religious movement not founded on dry as dust and dreary " dialectical materialism ". The whole world could relate to this SOCIALIST movement .

                   Effete images of old Marx, Lenin, Trotsky cannot win hearts and minds in the 21st century .

                   I still think Marx made a good beginning for a scientific understanding of world history . But global capitalism is now way beyond their understanding . A real crisis of HUMAN survival , of human civilization, cannot be solved with reference to effete phrases of the 19th century workers movement - which reached its peak in Germany before the collapse of socialist internationalism at the start of the Great War.

             An invigorated SOCIALIST movement will do nothing to turn off the scientific-technical elite or the skilled workers.

           But the appeal will be to human SANITY - not to pugnacious class hatred. I think H.G. Wells had the right idea .

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