Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The light are going out in Western Civilization

The Democratic Party is an ideological mess unable to form a UNITED FRONT against increasingly coherent and united Republicans . The Democratic Party has re-invented Donald Trump as the ultimate SCAPEGOAT - the root of all evil in once flawless " OUR democracy ".

               If you recall the THEME of the 2016 presidential election - fury over the political Establishment , the TWO PARTY system , you must be puzzled why the Democrats should now anoint that quintessential ESTABLISHMENT politician Joe Biden.

              Elizabeth Warren was humanly appealing -after the economic nightmare of 2008 - when she was publicly defending a ruined American middle class in free fall.

             But where is her appeal now after embracing " Wall St. Hillary " , " Hawk Hillary " , " Corrupt Hillary " rather than Bernie Sanders who stunned the country with his primary victories beginning in New Hampshire ?

                  Despite what Fox News says about the Democratic Party being besotted with " progressivism " and " socialism " nothing could be further from the truth. The Democratic Party is increasingly hostile even to the FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization ( I am amazed to hear a young Democrat declare that he or she does NOT believe in FREE SPEECH on college campuses ).

              As a democratic socialist myself ( leaning toward Christian Socialism ) I am appalled to see the voters in 2020 election have a horrible choice between left-wing fascism and right wing fascism.

There are , of course , obscure third parties that brand themselves Trotskyist or Maoist or Leninist or Castro-ist.. Up close and personal they are scary personality cults led by some well-heeled GREAT LEADER whose pathetic followers might remind you of the daffy " Clears " in the daffy Church of Scientology .

            It might seem strange that socialist EQUALITY and liberal Democrat " identity politics " can acquire a FASCIST character. But it is happening here !

                 Considering the increase in mindless , violent , nihilistic CRIME and mass murders - reported and under-reported - LAW & ORDER and the Republican Party might be the final winners in 2020 presidential election.

          But the lights are going out in Western Civilization.

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