Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, May 11, 2019
A social order behind the sexual terrorizing of females
No reason to NOT believe in most of these sexual harassment stories. Of course, in the absence of legal EVIDENCE no employee of Harvard should be ruined for life.
It is not the myth of MALE SUPREMACY that explains continuous abuse of females. It is ECONOMIC PRIVILEGE and social prestige that asserts itself in these sexual encounters between un-equals. The so called working class " blue collar " male could never get away with this if he were bold enough and crude enough to attempt sexual harassment of females not swooning over his devilish charm.
Again and again the villain in these sexual harassment stories is invariably the privileged class male, the high social status male. In a different way these arrogant tyrants intimidate with FEAR of job loss, fear of normal ambition crushed, their lower status male subordinates.
In the USA the capitalist organized work place is not the REALM OF FREEDOM. It is a place of fear and loathing and boredom and anxiety. As Dante observed at the gates of Hell : " ABANDON ALL HOPE YE WHO ENTER HERE ". Yes, from Amazon.COM to Dunkin Donuts , from Harvard to URI . The horrors of the New Capitalism rival the horrors of the 19 century " Industrial Revolution ".
Working class women are still doubly oppressed. Their ghosts still cry out in abandoned jewelry shops and dilapidated , vacant textile mills in seemingly idyllic New England.
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