Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Monday, May 20, 2019
The religious instincts of humanity reject " pristine Nothingness "
Diseases of Despair
It is rare to see decidedly " leftist " journalists quote a Catholic pope with any respect or understanding . As a democratic socialist myself - strongly influenced by Catholic social philosophy and the Catholic Tradition within the framework of Western Civilization - I am dismayed by all these sectarian " socialist " parties forming an obscene alliance with the nihilistic New Atheism in attacking religious faith in general , showing a nearly deranged hostility toward the Catholic Church . What kind of " vanguard " working class parties exclude the world's millions of religious people : Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox Jews , Muslims ? Are they as eager as idolized Lenin and Trotsky to re-establish an officially atheist state - a long nightmare of spiritual chaos. ?
A big part of the Left has abandoned even socialist humanism. They oppose the FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. You can be certain that these groups - now downright personality cults like the Socialist Equality Party and the Socialist Workers Party - will remain marginal forces for social change.
Not for nothing I am convinced that SOCIALISM as an idea and ideal must transform itself into a quasi-religious movement like militant pacifism ( as in A.J. Muste ) in some ways , like early Christianity in other ways before it wielded state power and the " Sword of Constantine ".
The religious instinct of humanity needs more to satisfy it than images of the Big Bang, pictures of Black Holes, and a mathematical description of pristine NOTHINGNESS. We humans are not that impressed with " what hydrogen atoms can do ... " ( Carl Sagan ) .
[ after billions of years they give us President Donald Trump and that recent " Profile in Courage " Nancy Pelosi ] .
I think Saint Augustine would know what I am talking about . Read his " City of God ".
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