Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, May 2, 2019
The " Free Press " in the USA is controlled by Ayn Rand Zionists
The lib media isn't reporting the story - isn't reporting ALL the pertinent facts of many stories - for the same reason it is snarky hostile to openly Christian Americans , devout Catholic Americans . It is controlled by militant atheist, Ayn Rand Zionists . This FACT if NOT a fact - could be easily made incredible if CONTROL OF THE NEWS MEDIA by very " special interests " - were not an unspoken TABOO to " investigate ".
Trump calls THEM " fake news " purveyors . But just WHO are they ? Mostly Christian or humanist liberals and democratic socialists ? Whole books have been published on the topic of " WHO RULES AMERICA ? " . But there is a need for new revised editions .
Do THEY represent a FREE PRESS in the USA ? A bastion of FREE SPEECH champions ? FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT are the pillars of much maligned Western Civilization.
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