Subject: A solution to rude coughing in public libraries
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WellOne-Foster, Rhode Island
142A Danielson Pike
Foster, RI 02825
Tel. 401-647-3702
Fax 401-647-5380
142A Danielson Pike
Foster, RI 02825
Tel. 401-647-3702
Fax 401-647-5380
This morning I had to accompany my sister in law to the WELL ONE laboratory-office in Foster. I quickly noticed the sign on the reception window :
" Do you have a fever, rash, or bad cough ?
If so, please inform the Front Desk Staff so
that you may be given a mask to help prevent
the spread of disease "
Near the entrance door there was a " Bowman dispenser " offering " COM-FIT , plush Masks " and facial tissues. [ 800-962-4660 ]
And they made the same point in Spanish : " Tos, Fiebre... Pida una masarella " .
At the Warwick Public Library there is one guy there frequently who sounds like a one man 19th century tuberculosis ward . Is it too much bother to recommend a " COM-FIT , plush Mask " for him ? Or is that too " hateful " and " insensitive " in the cause of PUBLIC HEALTH ?
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